Thursday 9 April 2020

麦煎糕 Apam Balik

Apam Balik


普通面粉 300克
即溶酵母 1/4小匙
苏打粉 1/2小匙
糖 4大匙
水 450ml
鸡蛋 1颗


1. 全部材料混合均匀, 静置1个小时以上。

2. 准备一个不沾锅, 用厨房纸巾在锅里抹一点食用油。

3. 开中小火, 倒入适量的面糊, 撒一些糖在面糊上,盖盖子。

4. 当底部煎至金黄时, 打开盖子, 淋上融化牛油,放奶油甜玉米粒, 再撒上花生碎, 对折, 就完成咯。

*自己要放什么馅料都可以, 比如芝士火腿, 巧克力香蕉, 新鲜椰丝和椰糖等等。

感谢网友Rebecca Tan的食谱分享

Apam Balik


All purpose flour 300g
Instant Yeast 1/4 tsp
Baking Soda 1/2 tsp
Sugar 4 tbsp
Water 450ml
Egg 1


1. Mix all the ingredients together, cover and rest for 1 hour.

2. Wipe some cooking oil with kitchen towel on the nonstick pan.

3. Heat the nonstick pan (small fire), pour the batter, sprinkle some sugar on the pancake, then cover with lid.

4. When the bottom pancake is golden brown, drizzle some melted butter, creamy sweet corn then roasted grounded peanuts.

5. Fold the pancake into half and ready to be serve.

* You may put any fillings as you like. For example chocolate banana,  ham and cheese, fresh shredded coconut and brown sugar & etc. 

Thank you Rebecca Tan for the recipe. 

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