Friday 20 March 2020

生煎包 Pan Fried Pork Buns

Pan Fried Pork Buns


猪肉碎 350g (半肥瘦)
盐 1/2 小匙
糖 1/4 小匙
酱油 1/4 大匙
白胡椒粉 1/4 小匙
姜末 5g
青葱 15g
麻油 1/4 大匙
绍兴酒 1/4 大匙
太白粉 1/4 大匙
鸡高汤 或 水 25ml


面粉 250g
糖 25g
即溶酵母 2.5g
水 125g



1. 将猪肉碎和盐搅拌至有黏性,再加入糖,酱油,白胡椒粉搅拌均匀。

2. 边打肉馅时,导入绍兴酒和鸡高汤至水份收干。

3. 再加入姜末,青葱, 太白粉和麻油拌匀,放入冰箱冷藏30分钟。

4. 接着就做包子皮,全部材料揉至光滑后, 桌上撒些面粉,再揉至长条型状,分割每颗小面团25g。 表面撒上面粉,盖上干净的布或保鲜膜醒面15-20分钟。

5. 将醒好的面团用擀面棍擀成圆片,再舀一匙(约25克)的肉馅包好,用手捏紧收口向上。包完全部包子后,盖上干净的布或保鲜膜,让它醒发约10分钟。 

6. 倒入适量的油在平底锅,排放好包子在锅上,(收口朝上或朝下都可以)开火,淋上一点点油在包子上(不淋油也可以),我煎至底部有点焦黄色,再倒入面粉水(到入锅之前先搅一搅面粉水),大约在包子的1/2处,待水滚后,盖上盖子煎至水份快收干时,打开锅盖,撒上白芝麻和青葱,水份收干后,起锅,趁热享用。


Pan Fried Pork Buns


Minced pork 350g
Salt 1/2 tsp
Sugar 1/4 tsp
Light soy sauce 1/4 tbsp
White pepper 1/4 tsp
Spring onion 20g
Grated ginger  5g
Sesame oil 1/4 tbsp
Shao Xing cooking wine 1/4 tbsp
Chicken stock / water 25ml
Potato starch / corn starch 1/4 tbsp

Bun dough (yield to 16 buns)

All purpose flour 250g
Sugar 25g
Instant yeast 2.5g
Water 125ml


1. Mix the minced pork with salt until stickiness. Then mix well with sugar, soy sauce and white pepper.

2. Add in Shao Xing wine and chicken stock mix well until all the liquid fully absorb.  

3. Then add in grated ginger, spring onion, potato starch and sesame oil. Mix well, then chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.

4. Next, make the bun dough, mix all the ingredients and knead until smooth. Dust some flour on the counter top, then knead to a oblong shape. Cut and divide each to 25g. Sprinkle flour on the dough surface, cover with a clean cloth or cling wrap and let it rise for 15-20 minutes.

5. Dust some flour on the table, using a rolling pin, roll out each dough, make sure the center is thicker than the edge of the wrapper. Place a spoonful (about 25g) meat fillings in the middle of the dough wrapper. Fold up along the edge to form a pleats and pinch together to form a bun. Repeat to finish the rest of the dough and fillings. Cover it with a clean cloth or cling wrap let it proof for 10 minutes.

6. Premix the water with flour( 1 tsp of flour + 200ml water). Adjust the amount of water depends on your pan size

7. Prepare a fry pan with some cooking oil on the pan. Place the buns on the pan, switch on the fire, pour little bit of oil on the buns (you can skip this) . Let it fry until bottom is turning brown, then pour the premix water with flour in the pan about 1/2 height of the buns. When the water is boiling , cover with the lid and let it cook until water is ready to dry. Open the lid , sprinkle with white sesame and spring onion on top. Wait till the water completely dry then transfer the buns to the plate. Enjoy it while it's still hot. 

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