Tuesday 23 July 2019

巧克力面包 Chocolate Buns

Chocolate Buns


Chocolate Buns 

(Day 1)
Sponge dough
High Protein Flour 100g
Water 65g
Castor Sugar 5g
Instant Yeast 1g

Mix the above ingredients till form a smooth dough) Proof for 1 hour at room temperature then keep in the fridge for next day use. (not in the freezer ya)

(Day 2)
Divide each sponge dough to 40g. The rest of the sponge dough keep in the freezer for next time use. Just defrost the sponge dough before use.

sponge dough


Unsweetened Cocoa powder 13g
High Protein Flour 160g
Ice Water 120g
Castor Sugar 20g
Instant Yeast 2g
Sponge Dough 40g
Salt 2g
Unsalted butter 20g


1. Mix the above ingredients except butter, knead for 20mins, after 20 mins later add butter to continue kneading to windowpane stage. (Bread Machine dough mode)

2. Transfer the dough to the counter top, slapping the dough  for a few minutes then roll it to a ball shape. Let it proof for 40 mins-60 mins. (my room temperature is 29°C - 30°C).

3. Dust some flour on the counter top, degas, divide to 6 equal portions and roll it to ball shape. Rest for 10 mins. Shaping like the picture shown as per above. You can make any shape as you like.

4. After shaping, let it proof for 50-60 minutes.

5. Spray some water and dust some flour on top of the bread.

6. Bake at 190°C for 13-15 minutes.

TIPS: Try to use a better quality of chocolate powder

Recipe adapted from ShaniaLama

I love this shaping of the buns too

Ready to bake

very nice to eat with fresh whipping cream 

This is so delicious



高筋面粉 100克
水 65ml
幼糖 5克
即溶酵母 1克




无糖巧克力粉 13克
高筋面粉 160克
冰水 120ml
幼糖 20克
即溶酵母 2克
老面 40克
盐 2克
无盐牛油 20克


1. 将全部材料倒入面包机里揉面20分钟,面团打至光滑和有薄膜。再加入软化牛油继续揉大约20分钟至拓展状态。我揉好的面团温度大约26-28度。

2. 用手抓着面团,向着桌面上抛甩来回几下,然后滚圆,放入一个密封的盒子或是钢盆里发酵40-60分钟。室温大约29-30度)


4. 轻拍面团排气,然后搓成水滴型。完成后,从第一个面团开始杆开,翻面,从上往下卷即可。然后排放在烤盘里。

5. 面包放入没开电的烤箱里,旁边放一杯热水做最后发酵大约50-60分钟。

6. 发酵完成后,喷一些水在面包上,再撒上一些面粉在面包上。

7. 以190度烘烤13-15分钟。

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