Friday 15 June 2018

芝士面包 Cheese buns (天然酵母 Natural yeast)


芝士面包 (天然酵母)约可以做9-12粒


高筋面粉 170g
全麦面粉 30g
天然酵母 200g
细砂糖 25g
牛奶 60-80ml (视面粉的吸水量)
鸡蛋 1粒
盐 3g
牛油 30g



1. 把全部材料除了牛油放入面包机里揉至光滑面团。大约20分钟。

2. 再加入牛油继续揉至弹性并可撑出薄膜即可。大约15-20分钟。

3. 把面团拿出来滚圆,放在盆中,喷点水,盖上保鲜纸,放在没开电的烤箱里发酵90-120分钟,或是两倍大。烤箱里放一杯热水帮助发酵。

4. 面团发酵好后,用手轻压面团排气,然后分割每颗60g-65g平均等份。

5. 分割好后,滚圆,排放在铺上烘焙纸的烤盘里。喷点水,做最后发酵。放在没开电的烤箱里发酵大约90-120分钟或两倍大。烤箱里放一杯热水帮助发酵。

6. 发酵好后,刷上一层薄薄的牛奶液,再撒上车打芝士。

7. 以190度烤13分钟。出炉后,立刻把面包脱模待凉在凉架上。



Cheese buns (yield 9-12 buns)
(Natural Yeast) 


High Protein Flour 170g
Wholemeal Flour 30g
Natural Yeast Starter 200g
Castor sugar 25g
Fresh milk 60-80ml
Egg 1
Salt 3g
Butter 30g

Some Shredded Cheddar Cheese


1. Put everything into bread machine except butter knead till form a smooth dough. Around 20 minutes.

2. Add butter and continue kneading to reach windowpane stage. Around 20 minutes.

3. Roll into a ball shape then put in a bowl and spray some water. Cover with cling firm proof for about 90-120 minutes or double sizes. Let it proof in the electric oven (without on the electricity) and a cup of hot water.

4. After proofed, degas & divide each around 60g to 65g to equal portions.

5. Roll into a ball shape then place in the baking tray with parchment paper. Spray some water, and proof for 90-120 minutes or doubles sizes in the electric oven (without on the electricity) with a cup of hot water.

6. After proofed, lightly brush some milk, then sprinkle some shredded cheddar cheese on top.

7. Bake at 190 Celsius degree for 13 minutes.

~Happy baking~

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