Tuesday 28 November 2017

天然酵母吐司 Sourdough Bread




高筋面粉 230g

细砂糖 25g
盐 2.5g
全蛋 55-65g
冷水 50ml
牛油 30g


1. 把全部材料除了牛油放入面包机或是搅拌机里揉成光滑面团。加入牛油继续揉至完全拓展。

2. 把面团放入一个密封的盒子里发酵1个小时。(室温)再放入冰箱里冷藏约16小时。

3. 隔天,拿出面团回温30分钟。分割面团,揉圆。

4. 擀卷,排气共两次。(间隔15分钟)

5. 把擀卷好的面团放进吐司桶里发酵至9分满,大约2-3小时。刷上牛奶液,放入预热好的烤炉里。

6. 以190度烘烤30分钟。吐司表面上色后盖上锡纸继续烘烤完成。

P/S: 我有做一些小更改,原食谱放230g全麦面粉,水份是果汁。水份要自己自行拿捏,不同牌子面粉吸水性不同。

感谢Josephine Soh的食谱分享


Sourdough Bread 


High Protein Flour 230g

Natural Yeast Starter 230g
Castor Sugar 25g
Salt 2.5g
Egg 55-65g
Cold Water 50ml
Butter 30g


1. Put everything in a mixer except butter knead till form a smooth dough.

2. Add butter and continue kneading until a smooth & elastic dough. (windowpane stage)

3. Place the dough into a container, covered. Proof for 1 hour at room temperature.

4. After 1 hour, put in the fridge for slow fermentation up to 16 hours.

5. Next day, take out the dough and let it rest for 30 mins.

6. Divide for 2 to 3  equal portions and roll into a ball.

7. Roll flat and degas each dough, rest 15 mins, then repeat again.

8. Shaping then place the dough into the bread tin for last proofing about 2 to 3 hours OR 90% full.

9. Bake 190C for about 30 mins. 

Recipe adapted from Josephine Soh.

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