Saturday 12 December 2020

马铃薯面包 Potato Buns

Potato Buns
Very soft buns, must try it :)

keep until 3 days the bread still soft.


Bread dough:

High Protein Flour 175g
Low Protein Flour 50g
Milk Powder 1 tbsp
Instant yeast 3g
Castor sugar 50g
Salt 1 tsp
Egg 1
Water 30-40ml
Potato puree 80g 
(75g potato + 65ml water cook with low heat until soft and mash it)
Unsalted butter 30g

Custard Topping:

Instant custard powder 20g
Milk 60ml
(mix well and fill in the piping bag)

*After mixed, the texture of custard is like mayonnaise


1. Mix all the ingredients except butter in the bread machine. Knead the dough till smooth and elastic. (around 25 mins)

2. Add in butter continue kneading to reach windowpane stage. (around 15mins)

3. Shape dough into a ball shape. Let it proof in a greased bowl for 1 hour.

4. Dust some flour on the counter top, degas and divide each dough to 45 to 55g. 

5. Roll each dough into ball shape and let it proof in the square pan for 40 mins.

6. Egg wash the bread and piping the custard on top of the bread.

7. Bake at 190 degree Celsius for 18 - 20 mins.


  • My room temperature is around 30 degree Celsius.
  • I always freeze my bread maker tin before kneading the dough to prevent the dough temperature is too high.
  • Ideal dough temperature should be at 25-28 degree Celsius.



高筋面粉 175g
底筋面粉 50g
奶粉 1 汤匙
细砂糖 50g 
盐 1 小匙
即溶酵母 3g
鸡蛋 1 颗
水 30ml-40ml
马铃薯泥 80克 
无盐牛油 30g


牛奶 60ml


1. 全部材料除了牛油倒入面包机里揉面25分钟,面团打至光滑和有薄膜。再加入软化牛油继续揉大约25分钟至拓展状态。我揉好的面团温度大约26-28度。

2. 把面团滚圆,放入一个密封的盒子或是钢盆里发酵60分钟。室温大约28-30度)

3. 桌上撒些面粉,排气,分割每颗面团45-55克,滚圆后排放入烤盘里。烤盘放入没开电的烤箱里,旁边放一杯热水做最后发酵大约40分钟。

4. 预热烤箱190度,在面团上轻轻刷上蛋液,再挤上卡斯达酱。 

5. 最后,烘烤18至20分钟。出炉后立刻脱模。

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