Monday 15 April 2019

白吐司 White Toast

White Toast


(A) Poolish
High Protein Flour 25g
Water 25g
Instant yeast 0.2g

Mix all the ingredients with spatula , let it ferment for 1 hour at room temperature (30°C/86°F). Then keep in the fridge with air tight container. (At least 12hrs to 16hrs)

(B) Main dough
High Protein Flour 250g
Instant yeast 3g
Caster sugar 20g
Whipping cream 20g
Ice water 135g
Salt 3g
Unsalted Butter 15g
*Sponge dough 40g (optional)


Sponge dough

High Protein Flour 100g
Water 65g
Castor Sugar 5g
Instant Yeast 1g

Mix the above ingredients till form a smooth dough. Proof for 1 hour at room temperature (30°C/86°F).Then keep in the fridge for next day use. (The leftover sponge dough I just keep in the freezer for next time use.)



1.First day prepare the poolish & sponge dough.

2.The next day, add the poolish (A) to the main dough (B).

3.Knead for 40mins. After 20mins add in butter and continue kneading for another 20mins till windowpane stage. (Normally I will hand kneaded on the counter top for about 2 minutes)

4.Roll the dough in a ball shape cover with lid/cling wrap let it proof for 40 mins at room temperature.

5.Degas and divide 2 or 3 equal portion, roll each in a ball shape and rest for 15 mins. 

6.Roll flat the dough, flip over, then swiss roll the dough, put into the lightly grease bread tin. Proof for about 1 hour or 90% full of the bread tin. (My room temperature is around 29C-31C)

7.Bake 190 degree Celsius for 35 mins. (Cover with aluminum foil when the top of the bread is turning brown)

  • I always freeze my breadmaker tin before kneading the dough to prevent the dough temperature is too high.
  • Ideal dough temperature should be at 25-28 degree Celsius.

白吐司 (液种)

(A) 液种
高筋面粉 25g
水 25g
即溶酵母 0.2g


(B) 主团
高筋面粉 250g
即溶酵母 3g
幼糖 20g
鲜奶油 20g
冰水 135g
盐 3g
无盐牛油 15g
*老面 40g (没有老面就不用加)



高筋面粉 100g 
水 65g
幼糖 5g
即溶酵母 1g

全部材料混合均匀,揉至光滑面团。在室温大约28C- 31C发酵一个小时。然后密封好放在冰箱冷藏至隔天拿来使用。用不完的老面可以分装塑料袋拿去冷冻。下次要用到老面时拿出来退温就可以使用了。



1. 第一天,准备液种。

2. 第二天,把材料 (A) 加入 (B) 材料。

3. 总共揉40分钟。20分钟过后,才加入牛油继续揉到薄膜或是完全拓展状态。(通常我会手揉多两分钟再滚圆

4. 揉好的面团放在桌面滚圆,放在钢盆里盖保鲜膜或是湿布让它发酵40分钟。

5. 用双手轻轻拍打面团,排气,分割2至3份平均等份量,滚圆。再让面团休息15分钟。

6. 用擀面棍杆平面团,翻面,然后卷起放在吐司桶里让它发酵大约一个小时或是九分满。我家的室温大约在于29C-31C度。

7. 以190度烘烤35分钟。面包表面上色后就盖锡箔纸继续烘烤完成。出炉后立刻把吐司取出来放在凉架上待凉。

  • 揉面团之前,我会把揉面包的吐司桶拿去冷冻先。
  • 面团揉好的终温是25C-28C度。
  • 吐司桶必须抹上薄薄的牛油才放入面团以预防沾粘。



related post:

Black Sesame Milk Toast 

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