Monday 25 December 2017

牛奶吐司 Milk Loaf

Milk Loaf
Love the texture of the bread. 
Soft and taste good too.

Bake at 170C to 180C for 30 minutes

Milk wash on top

Spray some water, cling wrap or cover with damp cloth on top. 
And let it proof for 1 hour
(my room temperature is around 30C)

Roll it

Gently roll it from top to bottom



Roll the dough, degas, and flip it over

Divide into 2 or 3 equal portions


Cover with cling wrap, first proof for 30 minutes

This is the dough after I kneaded
when u stretch the dough, it is not easily to tear off

Video of Milk Loaf



高筋面粉 300g
冰牛奶 210g
盐 3g
糖 20g


即溶酵母 3g

牛油 20g


1. 把材料(A) 放在面包机里揉成团即可。

2. 把面团放在钢盆里盖上保鲜纸,放在冰箱里(做水合法)冷藏至少1小时。

3. 1个小时后,把面团取出放入面包机里加入材料(B)

4. 面团揉至光滑后,加入材料(C)继续揉至有薄膜或是拓展状态。

5. 面团放在桌面上滚圆,让它发酵30分钟,然后分割两份面团。

6. 杆开面团,排气,然后对折,卷起来放入吐司桶里发酵大约1小时。

7. 面团发酵9分满后,表面刷上牛奶液。

8. 以170C-180C度,烘烤30分钟。出炉后,立刻脱模待凉。






Milk Loaf


High Protein Flour 300g
Fresh milk 210ml
Salt 3g
Sugar 20g

Butter 20g

Instant yeast 3g


1. Put (A) into bread machine knead till form a dough. (about 2 minutes)

2. Cling wrap the dough (Autolyse) and rest in the fridge at least for 1 hour.

3. After Autolysed 1 hour, mix with ingredient (B) knead until a smooth & elastic dough. Then add in ingredient (C) continue kneading to reach windowpane stage. My dough temperature is around 26C-28C.

4. Roll the dough into a ball shape and proof for 30 minutes. 

5. Divide 2 or 3 equal portions of dough, roll and degas. 

6. Lightly grease or lining a parchment paper in  the bread tin, arrange the dough into the bread tin, spray some water on top and cover with damp cloth or cling wrap. Proof for about 1 hour. (my room temperature is around 30C)

7. When the dough reach 90% full of the bread tin, milk wash on top then bake 170-180 degree Celsius for 30 minutes.

Happy baking!

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